Dr Raymond Wu
Consultant Psychiatrist
Dr Raymond Wu has 35 years experience as a medical doctor and has been providing expert care in psychiatry for the last 20 years to satisfied patients. Dr Wu is multilingual and multiculturally inclined with a high tolerance for diversity and encourages inclusivity. Dr Wu is a graduate of the Singapore National University of Medical School, King Edward VII College of Medicine, a Fellow of the Royal Australia and New Zealand College of Medicine and a Fellow of the Forensic and General Adult Psychiatry Chapter.
- General Adult Psychiatry
- Autism
- Mood Disorders
- Bipolar Disorders
- Anxiety Disorders
- Conversion Disorders
- Medico Legal Reports
- Hypnotherapy
- Multi-cultural Psychiatry
Dr Raymond Wu is not currently treating: Borderline personality disorders, substance use disorders, acute emergency inpatient admissions or workers compensation claims. Unable to accept acute cases requiring hospitalisation. Outpatient assessments are available on a case by case basis, upon referral pending a waitlist.
Location: 33 Havelock Street, West Perth WA 6005
Phone: 08 9488 2946
Fax: 08 9488 2954